Shape poem lesson plan for ks1

Lesson Plans and Activities | Essential.
Clickteaching :: primary teaching.
This video has a lesson plan that you can use to show your students how to create shape poems using a Lumens Ladibug document camera.
Literacy Key Stage 1 & Key Stage 2.
Clickteaching offers worksheets, lesson plans, activity ideas, schemes of work, interactive activities and primary teaching resources for key stage 1 and 2 , infant
Providing educators and students access to the highest quality practices and resources in reading and language arts instruction.
Shape poem lesson plan for ks1
Lumens DC190 Ladibug Lesson Plan - Shape.Homepage - ReadWriteThink
Key Stage 1 & Key Stage 2 Powerpoints for teaching English Children Literacy, English, writing, reading, spelling, grammar, punctuation, non fiction fiction, fiction

Poems About Objects Lumens DC190 Ladibug Lesson Plan - Shape.